OneMessage users can now access text weather reports and forecasts for land sea and aviation.
Use the OneMessage app to easily retrieve a position specific forecast for your location or any other location on earth. You can request wave forecast for off shore locations, specific NOAA marine forecast statements and NOAA buoy reports. Aviation data such as location specific reports, METAR, and TAF reports from airports are also available.
Any OneMessage user with a subscription to one of OCENS text based weather services (SpotCast, WaveCast, or FlyCast) can now request these reports via the OneMessage app by sending a position or specific product code request to the corresponding OneMessage service and your text report will be returned in a just a moment.
Send a position (e.g. "47.398,-122.324") to the OneMessage user "weather". You will then receive a 24, 48,or 72hr forecast (dependant on your subscription) for that location.
Send a position (e.g. "47.398,-122.324") to the OneMessage user "wave". You will then receive a 24, 48, or 72hr wave forecast (dependant on your subscription) for that location when you next check for messages..
WaveCast is an add on service for SpotCast. Please contact OCENS if you would like to add this service to an existing SpotCast account or visit to sign up for SpotCast with WaveCast.
Buoy Reports
WaveCast subscribers can also request a buoy report from the nearest NOAA weather buoy based on your location by sending a position (e.g. "47.398,-122.324") to the user "buoy". You can also request a report from a specific buoy by sending the specific buoy number instead of your position (eg "46001") .
NOAA Text Reports
WaveCast subscribers can also request the NOAA marine text forecast by sending a position (e.g. "47.398,-122.324") to the user "NOAA". This will return the NOAA marine text report for the zone you are in. You may also request a specific text forecast by sending in the forecast product code (eg "pzz135" for the Puget Sound and Hood Canal forecast)
Send a position (e.g. "47.398,-122.324") to the OneMessage user "avwx". You will then receive an aviation forecast for that location.
METAR and/or TAF reports are accessed by sending the four digit International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) airport code of interest to the OneMessage user "metar" or "taf". Your text report will be returned in a just a moment.