8.3. Requesting weather for locations away from your present location
If you’d like to receive weather for locations other than where you are presently located, use the IsatPhone Pro/2’s Messaging feature in the following way:
Go to Messages on your Pro/2 Menu screen
Select New Message
Select Email Message
In the Message field, type the latitude and longitude of the location for which youwant a weather forecast. Move to number entry and follow these few basic rules when you are entering the location:
North latitude and East longitude are positive. That means if you are asking for a location in the Southern Hemisphere, you’ll need to precede the latitude with a minus sign. Likewise, if looking for a Western hemisphere location, precede that longitude with a minus sign.
Express your latitude and longitude values in degrees and fractions of a degree. For example, 46 degrees 30 minutes North would be expressed as 46.5 . 122 degrees 45 minutes West would be expressed as -122.75
SpotCast Extreme will also accept whole integer latitude and/or longitude values, eg 46,-123.
Separate your latitude value from your longitude value with a comma.
After entering the lat and lon of interest to you, scroll up to the To: field
Your Pro/2 will shortly confirm that the SMS was sent (or if signal was inadequate,the SMS send failed). Weather will be returned within a few minutes as an SMS message to your phone.