6.3. Requesting weather for locations away from your present location
If you’d like to receive weather for locations other than where you are presently located, use the 9575’s Messaging feature in the following way:
Go to Messages on your 9575’s Menu screen
Select Create Message
In the Message field, type the latitude and longitude of the location for which you want a weather forecast. Move to number entry and follow these few basic rules when you are entering the location:
North latitude and East longitude are positive. That means if you are asking for a location in the Southern Hemisphere, you’ll need to precede the latitude with a minus sign. Likewise, if looking for a Western hemisphere location, precede that longitude with a minus sign.
Express your latitude and longitude values in degrees and fractions of a degree. For example, 46 degrees 30 minutes North would be expressed as 46.5 . 122 degrees 45 minutes West would be expressed as -122.75
We will also accept whole integer latitude and/or longitude values, eg 46,-123.
Separate your latitude value from your longitude value with a comma.
After entering the lat and lon of interest to you, press Options at the base of theMessage field.
Press the Send button on the Send To screen to request your weather. Your 9575will shortly confirm that the SMS was sent (or if signal was inadequate, the SMS send failed). Weather will be returned within a few minutes as an SMS message to your phone.